KND Code Module

"Good work, now let's get back to base and hang those new lace curtains."

– Major Manners to Sargent Sensible

The Proper Patrol is a villainous duo that consists of Major Mrs. Manners and Sargent Sensible.

The duo fly around attacking kids with their Proper Rays, transforming their clothes into pink dresses for girls and sailor outfits for boys. They are often invited to large villain gatherings, like barbecues and the Villains' Choice Awards.


The Proper Patrol have fought against the Kids Next Door for some time in order to change their clothes into something they deemed more appropriate for kids. They launched their most successful attack on the group of kids while their leader, Numbuh 1, was out of the treehouse. Major Mrs. Manners and Sargent Sensible shot a hole in the treehouse's roof and flew in through it to chase down Sector V, all of whom they hit with their Proper Rays. With their mission concluded, they returned to base to hang up their new lace curtains (Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.).

Codename Kids Next Door S02E04 Operation MOVIE & Operation FAST - FOOD 20170804-18124452

The Proper Patrol at the meeting

Being known enemies of the Kids Next Door, both Major Mrs. Manners and Sargent Sensible were invited by Mr. Boss to his secret villain meeting at the local movie theater. Posing as fans of "Violence The Movie!", the Proper Patrol took their seats between The Iguana and Potty Mouth before removing their disguises. As the meeting got going, the two agreed with the others that Numbuh 4 was the stupider member of Sector V and they joined in on laughing at Numbuh 4 as well. After Numbuh 4's disguise fell off and he escaped while crashing the candy cart into the doors, all the villains in the room got covered with ice cream, including the Proper Patrol (Operation: M.O.V.I.E.).

Major Mrs. Manners and Sargent Sensible were invited to the annual "We Hate The Kids Next Door Barbecue" at Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb's House. The two were enjoying the party and having a drink when Sector V suddenly interrupted the festivities, but quickly realized the adults greatly outnumbered the kids. All of the barbecue guests chased after Sector V down the street, but were unable to catch up to the kids (Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T.).

Major Mrs. Manners was present in Chester's dream after he was put under the control of the Happy Headband. She was just an attendant at Chester's big ceremony for having captured Numbuh 1, but the dream was quickly turned into a nightmare by Numbuh 4 (Operation: U.T.O.P.I.A.).

Both Major Manners and Sargent Sensible were invited to the annual Villains' Choice Awards, where the two shared a table. They were enjoying the lasagna when a disguised Numbuh 5 sneaked the wire down into the parking garage and got it connected to the snot bombs in the Common Cold's Snot-Bomber. At the end of the awards show, the explosives went off and covered all the attendants in snot, including the military duo (Operation: A.W.A.R.D.S.).

Father recruited the Proper Patrol to participate in his joint large-scale assault on the Kids Next Door. The Major and Sargent were sent to help attack the Kids Next Door Seriously Cool Museum of Artifacts and Stuff, where they flew around and attacked multiple operatives. Sargent Sensible was shot at by Numbuh 363, who missed and instead made a M.O.S.Q.U.I.T.T.O.H. replica fall over. They retreated along with the other villains to the Convention Center where they were introduced to Grandfather, the evilest villain of all, and witnessed his return (Operation: Z.E.R.O.).


  • Sargent Sensible's name is a pun on the terms "sergeant" and "gentleman".
  • Even though they were both at the convention center during the reawakening of Grandfather, neither of them were seen as Senior Citi-zombies, or even appeared after the introduction of Grandfather.
  • In Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion, Sargent Sensible served as a minor enemy in the Treehouse level, where Numbuh 1 had to perform a 3 button prompt to defeat him.
  • A third member of the patrol was created during storyboarding, but got cut from the episode. A character model gave his name to be, "Private Proper".

