KND Code Module

Tacky belts are sentient belts living in the Clothes rack world of Le Sissie. They move and hiss like real snakes, and presumably bite with the metal belt buckle.


When Numbuh 5 was knocked out and tied up by the Poorly Dressed, a tacky belt was slithering up to attack her before Numbuh 11-Teen caught it with a coat hanger and threw it away. Later, after Numbuh 5 accidentally laughed at the Poorly Dressed's dancing, the two KND operatives were tied up to hang above a pit of tacky belts to later be dropped into. This did not happen due to Sector V and the SKWID Squad rescuing them (Operation: B.R.I.D.G.E.).


  • It's not known if they are related to the snake ties in any way.