KND Code Module
"Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I."
Season 4, Episode 42
Mission: 080
Production Code: 403a
Airdate: December 03, 2004
Writer(s): Mo Willems
Mr. Warburton
Storyboards by: Maurice Fontenot
Bob Suarez
Episode Guide
Previous Mission
"Operation: N.U.G.G.E.T."
Next Mission
"Operation: P.O.O.L."

Museum's Artwork Cruelly and Recklessly Ripped Off Nearly Impossibly

"Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I." is the second story in the third episode of Season 4 of Codename: Kids Next Door. It first aired on December 3, 2004 on Cartoon Network.



The KND try to protect the Macaroni Museum of Art from being ransacked, with the worst KND operative ever, Numbuh 13, on their side.


Sector V and the adults are performing a prisoner exchange in the mall, and the prisoner they are going to get is holding important information. In return, they give back the Toiletnator (or as Numbuh 1 says, "Nothing of value.") But to the group's dismay, the operative the adults released is the incredibly accident-prone Numbuh 13.

As it turns out, the "important information" Numbuh 13 had was that the adults are planning a macaroni-and-cheese dinner. Sector V attempts to return him to and palm off the investigation of the dinner on Sector N, but Numbuh 14 and the other members of Sector N clearly don't want Numbuh 13 back. Numbuh 13 reveals that the Museum of Macaroni Art is being ransacked, which is where the adults are getting their macaroni from, and Sector V finally sees this as a serious matter.

By the time they arrive at the museum, the adults have already busted in, but Numbuh 1 says they still have the element of surprise - until Numbuh 3 runs in screaming about the Rainbow Monkey Lisa. Further in the museum, Mr. Boss and the Ice Cream Men are gathering the macaroni art and when the KND arrives, Mr. Boss leaves them to his cohorts while he goes to get a certain piece of art. While Sector V and the Ice Cream Men are engaged in a shootout, Mr. Boss is about to take the Rainbow Monkey Lisa when an enraged Numbuh 3 shows up.

Numbuh 4 attempts to get around the Ice Cream Men but is hit, and so is Numbuh 2 while checking on him. Numbuhs 1 and 5 drag them to safety. Meanwhile, Mr. Boss and Numbuh 3 start a fight of their own over the Rainbow Monkey Lisa, and Numbuh 3 manages to wear him down. However, Numbuh 13 has taken the painting to keep it safe but ends up destroying it, causing Numbuh 3 to scream insanely at the top of her lungs, which scares off Mr. Boss and the Ice Cream Men. Her teammates find her crying over the painting, but Numbuh 5 says she can just make another one. Numbuh 1 says that at least the mission wasn't a total failure. Numbuh 2 proclaims that the mission was a disaster, to which Numbuh 1 points out that Numbuh 13 is no longer around.

The adult villains are all gathered for dinner and getting impatient when Mr. Boss finally shows up, but there's no macaroni in the bag - only Numbuh 13. The Toilenator is happy that they recaptured him, to which the other villains glare at him and Mr. Boss tells him "Oh, shut up Toiletnator!"

Ending Credits[]

In the Sector V Treehouse, Numbuhs 2 and 4 are playing video games while Numbuh 3 tells the team on how Numbuh 13 saved them all from disaster, even though they thought he was a disaster. Numbuh 4 tells her he didn't save them from disaster.


KND Operatives




2x4 Technology

Villain Technology


Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I./Transcript


  • This episode introduces Sector N, who will become recurring background characters through the series.
  • The number 13 is considered bad luck, and Numbuh 13 is chronically clumsy.
  • It's revealed in this episode that Numbuh 5 has an artistic talent, when she mentioned that she could make another Rainbow Monkey Lisa.
  • It is revealed that pretty much everyone hates Numbuh 13, as even the villains were upset when he was recaptured by complete accident and his own sector pretends to be attacked so they don't have to take him back.
  • This episode was written around the concept of a "macaroni art museum".[1]
  • The macaroni museum parodies the old concept of kids making art out of dry macaroni.
  • Mr. Boss reveals some of the Ice Cream Men's names: Rocky, Fudripple and Tito.
  • Rocky road is a flavor of ice cream.
  • Stickybeard appears to eat more than just candy.
  • This episode was loosely adapted to a mission in the Operation B.E.S.T. game.

Series continuity[]

Cultural references[]


  • Some TV listings call this episode "Operation: M.A.C.A.R.O.N.I.", with only one "R".
  • The size of the mall bridge varies between shots, from around 10 yards to 20-30 yards in length.
  • Numbuh 1 should have been able to identify Numbuh 13 before the prisoner exchange with his binoculars.
  • The adults are not on the other side of the bridge in the overview shot when Numbuh 1 claims the mall to be neutral territory.
  • The way Mr. Boss holds his megaphone is different in the two shots of him holding it.
  • The strap on Numbuh 1's megaphone is only visible in the shot after he announces the exchange to Mr. Boss.
  • The mirrored image of Numbuh 13 approaching in Numbuh 1's binoculars is the wrong way and should be mirrored.
  • The spacing between the bridge and the storefronts change between shots.
  • The C.O.O.L.B.U.S. does not have a visible door in the right side.
  • In the shot where Numbuh 13 starts bashing on the C.O.O.L.B.U.S. dashboard, Numbuhs 3, 4 and 5 are missing form their chairs in the background.
  • A macaroni "Composition with Red Blue and Yellow" painting appears next to Mr. Boss and the Ice Cream Men when they laugh, but it was not there previously.
  • Even though Numbuh 1 yelled "incoming" and Sector V jumped for cover, they are still standing grouped together in the next shot.
  • In two shots, Numbuh 15 is missing one and both of his eyes respectively.
  • The layout of the artwork is always changing.
  • The door to the Rainbow Monkey Lisa room is missing when Numbuh 3 enters.
  • The two Ice Cream Men that hit Numbuh 4 were not standing close to each other seconds earlier.
  • The big macaroni where Numbuhs 4 and 5 were hiding had a huge ice cream drip, but it's missing when Numbuh 4 starts moving away.
  • All of the paintings in the museum are reflected in the shining floors, but none of the characters' reflections are ever visible.
  • In a brief moment, the velvet cord support Numbuh 3 was holding showed the cord still attached, although it was the Boss' support that had the cord still on after she snapped it.
  • The ice cream on Numbuh 1 and 5 disappears after Numbuh 3 starts screaming.
  • Mr. Boss' bag is too full to only contain Numbuh 13.
  • The Ice Cream Men drop their guns on the floor, but they disappear in the next shot.
  • Numbuh 13 tripped with the Rainbow Monkey Lisa facing Numbuh 3, but somehow Numbuh 3's head poked through from the back instead.

Voice credits[]



Codename: Kids Next Door Episodes
Season One Episodes

1. Operation: C.A.K.E.D./Diseasy Does It/No P in the Ool
2. Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M./Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.
3. Operation: N.O.-P.O.W.U.H./Operation: T.E.E.T.H.
4. Operation: P.I.R.A.T.E./Operation: C.O.W.G.I.R.L.
5. Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P./Operation: M.I.N.I.-G.O.L.F.
6. Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E./Operation: A.R.C.T.I.C.

7. Operation: L.I.C.E./Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E.
8. Operation: T.H.E.-F.L.Y./Operation: P.O.I.N.T.
9. Operation: C.A.B.L.E.-T.V./Operation: C.A.M.P.
10. Operation: T.O.M.M.Y./Operation: C.H.A.D.
11. Operation: P.I.A.N.O./Operation: Z.O.O.
12. Operation: Q.U.I.E.T./Operation: R.A.I.N.B.O.W.S.
13. Operation: G.R.O.W.-U.P.

Kids next door s1

Season Two Episodes

1. Operation: C.A.T.S./Operation: P.O.P.
2. Operation: S.P.A.N.K./Operation: D.A.T.E.
3. Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T./Operation: T.A.P.I.O.C.A.
4. Operation: M.O.V.I.E./Operation: F.A.S.T.-F.O.O.D.
5. Operation: S.H.A.V.E./Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H.
6. Operation: F.L.A.V.O.R./Operation: K.I.S.S.

7. Operation: G.H.O.S.T./Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E.
8. Operation: T.H.E.-S.H.O.G.U.N./Operation: C.O.L.L.E.G.E.
9. Operation: R.E.P.O.R.T./Operation: B.R.I.E.F.
10. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.W.O./Operation: S.P.A.C.E.
11. Operation: B.E.A.C.H./Operation: U.N.D.E.R.C.O.V.E.R.
12. Operation: D.O.G.F.I.G.H.T./Operation: T.R.I.P.
13. Operation: E.N.D.

Kids next door s2

Season Three Episodes

1. Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.
2. Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T./Operation: L.E.A.D.E.R.
3. Operation: U.T.O.P.I.A./Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S.
4. Operation: F.O.U.N.T.A.I.N.
5. Operation: B.U.T.T./Operation: T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G.
6. Operation: A.R.C.H.I.V.E./Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R.

7. Operation: P.I.N.K.E.Y.E./Operation: K.A.S.T.L.E.
8. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.H.R.E.E./Operation: L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N.
9. Operation: H.U.G.S./Operation: J.E.W.E.L.S.
10. Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S.
11. Operation: T.R.I.C.K.Y./Operation: U.N.C.O.O.L.
12. Operation: P.R.E.S.I.D.E.N.T./Operation: H.O.S.P.I.T.A.L.
13. Operation: S.P.R.O.U.T./Operation: H.O.U.N.D.

Kids next door s3

Season Four Episodes

1. Operation: R.A.B.B.I.T./Operation: F.L.U.S.H.
2. Operation: F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E./Operation: C.L.U.E.S.
3. Operation: N.U.G.G.E.T./Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I.
4. Operation: P.O.O.L.
5. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R.
6. Operation: S.I.T.T.E.R./Operation: S.A.T.U.R.N.

7. Operation: C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E./Operation: M.A.T.A.D.O.R.
8. Operation: L.U.N.C.H./Operation: M.U.N.C.H.I.E.S.
9. Operation: K.N.O.T./Operation: C.L.O.S.E.T.
10. Operation: S.N.O.W.I.N.G.
11. Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E.
12. Operation: L.O.V.E./Operation: C.O.U.C.H.
13. Operation: D.O.D.G.E.B.A.L.L./Operation: F.E.R.A.L.

Kids next door s4

Season Five Episodes

1. Operation: N.A.U.G.H.T.Y.
2. Operation: E.L.E.C.T.I.O.N.S.
3. Operation: D.U.C.K.Y./Operation: D.I.A.P.E.R.
4. Operation: B.U.L.L.I.E.S./Operation: F.I.S.H.Y.
5. Operation: B.R.E.A.K.U.P./Operation: S.A.F.A.R.I.
6. Operation: V.I.R.U.S./Operation: O.U.T.B.R.E.A.K.

7. Operation: C.A.N.Y.O.N./Operation: H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.
8. Operation: C.A.K.E.D. F.I.V.E.
9. Operation: R.E.C.R.U.I.T./Operation: D.A.D.D.Y.
10. Operation: C.L.O.W.N./Operation: S.P.A.N.K.E.N.S.T.I.N.E.
11. Operation: H.O.T.S.T.U.F.F./Operation: M.I.S.S.I.O.N.
12. Operation: L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E./Operation: H.O.M.E.
13. Operation: I.T.

Kids next door s5

Season Six Episodes

1. Operation: S.A.F.E.T.Y.
2. Operation: E.N.G.L.A.N.D./Operation: A.W.A.R.D.S.
3. Operation: R.E.C.E.S.S./Operation: H.A.M.S.T.E.R.
4. Operation: W.H.I.T.E.H.O.U.S.E.
5. Operation: S.P.I.N.A.C.H./Operation: M.E.S.S.A.G.E.
6. Operation: B.R.I.D.G.E./Operation: S.I.X.
7. Operation: T.R.I.C.Y.C.L.E.

8. Operation: C.R.I.M.E./Operation: P.A.R.T.Y.
9. Operation: D.O.G.H.O.U.S.E./Operation: P.L.A.N.E.T.
10. Operation: S.C.I.E.N.C.E./Operation: A.M.I.S.H.
11. Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D.
12. Operation: C.A.R.A.M.E.L./Operation: M.O.O.N.
13. Operation: T.R.E.A.T.Y.

Kids next door s6

Movies and Specials

1. Operation: Z.E.R.O.
2. The Grim Adventures of the KND

3. Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.
4. The Lost Cases of the Tree House

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Movies and Specials