KND Code Module
"Operation: L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E."
Season 5, Episode 64
Mission: 116
Production Code: 64b
Airdate: August 4, 2006
Writer(s): Tom Warburton
Andy Rheingold
Storyboards by: Matt Peters
Abigail Nesbitt
Episode Guide
Previous Mission
"Operation: M.I.S.S.I.O.N."
Next Mission
"Operation: H.O.M.E."

Lost Island's Crop Of Red Irreplaceable Candy Endangered

"Operation: L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E." is the first story in the twelfth episode of Season 5 of Codename: Kids Next Door. It first aired on August 4, 2006 and follows after "Operation: C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E." in Season 4.

Official Synopsis[]

When candydom's most devious pirate awakens with sugar and evil on his mind, Numbuh 5 had to team up with her old foes Stickybeard and Heinrich to defeat this new menace and solve the mystery of the black licorice!



Heinrich Von Marzipan is kidnapped from the KND Arctic Prison by a ship of black licorice pirates. After the theme song, it shows a different scene where a large group of candy pirates are drinking pure sugar. After Stickybeard defeats a candy pirate at a drinking-sugar contest, he challenges anyone else willing to face him.


No one answers but Numbuh 5 is next and challenges Stickybeard to a chugging match to see who can drink a cup of sugar faster. Numbuh 5 wants information about Heinrich's disappearance, which somehow involves black licorice, in return if she wins. Stickybeard is even dared when Numbuh 5 says Stickybeard is "sugar free". Sticky accepts but loses to Abby. Stickybeard asks for 2 outta 3 but Numbuh 5 declines. So Stickybeard begins telling a tale in song, along with the rest of the candy pirates. The pirates tell the tale of Black John Licorice and his pirate crew who find a island near North Dakota filled with red licorice trees. Black John took all the trees but a terrible misfortune was exposed for him and the pirates. The fate was that the licorice turned black and every night, the pirates would turn into licorice and at dawn and day, they would become a pile of bones. The pirates soon discover from a gypsy fortune-teller that they must plant a licorice seed that she gives them on the island so the licorice would grow again, and the curse would be broken. The pirates do so but while on the island, the dawn rose and they became a pile of bones.


Heinrich, Sticky's cabin boy at the time, and Stickybeard ventured on the island and found the bones of Black John. Heinrich spotted the seed and took it. However, the sun set and the pirates came back to live and attacked Heinrich but the two escape with the rest of Sticky's crew. However, Black John was on their tail and swore to find them.


This ends the song and Abby asks one question: What happened to the seed? Suddenly, we see Heinrich and he says he ate it! The pirates decide to plant Heinrich so the seed would grow inside him and the curse would still be lifted. As Black John rallies his crew with the promise of becoming human again, he is interrupted by Stickybeard, whom he recognizes as his former cabin boy "Stickyfuzz". Stickybeard challenges Black John to a sugar chugging. Black John accepts and says that no man ever could out sugar him. Stickybeard then says, "Who said anything about a man?" and reveals Numbuh 5 behind him. At first, John and his men think this is some kind of joke but Numbuh 5 provokes him into accepting.


The two duel and Black John loses, being impressed that she might be a worthy rival. But Black John says this is a challenge to the death...of her blood sugar levels. So the two battle eating sacks of sugar and gulping down mugs of sugar, tied for each match. At last, Black John is winning as Numbuh 5's sugar level is going so high. As this happens, the seed grows with John and his men changing back to human. In the end, Abigail loses and John taunts her but she reveals this was all a distraction and Stickybeard's two pirate twins kick the seed out of Heinrich. The pirates change back to skeletons while Stickybeard laughs at their misfortune. John tries to punish Abby but the sun rises and the pirates become bones which is the reason why she distracted him for so long. John swears to get even, as he slowly breaks apart.


Later, Heinrich thanks Abigail, though this still doesn't make up for what happened in Guatemala. Therefore, Abigail sends him back to the Arctic Base. Heinrich yells he will have revenge and while yelling, a humongous shadow of a ship is seen with the insane laughter of Black John which is exactly the same at the beginning.


KND Operatives




Ally Technology

Villain Technology


Voice actors[]


  • This episode won the "Collideascope Award for Television Animation for Children" at the Ottawa International Animation Festival in 2006.[1]
  • It was also nominated for the action/adventure category at the 2007 international Cartoons of the Bay animation festival in Italy.[2][3]
  • This episode is a parody of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
  • According to Numbuh 5 herself, she doesn't see why people make such a big deal about red licorice vs. black licorice, and admits that she does actually like black licorice.
  • Numbuh 5 had so much sugar that by the time Heinrich was saved she could barely sit straight (and ended up falling off her chair when toasting with Stickybeard).
  • The unshown incident in Guatemala 5 years ago is brought up at the end of the episode, when Numbuh 5 says, "I guess this makes us even for Guatemala?" to which Heinrich replies it wouldn't compare if she'd saved his life 2,000 times over.
  • Stickybeard's song places the island where Black John had landed "off the coast of North Dakota", which is geographically impossible, as North Dakota is landlocked.
  • In the beginning of the episode, Heinrich has a picture of a cheeseburger in his cell, two photos of his/her adventures in the one at the Tomb Of King Two Tons Of Candy and the other at the Chocolate Volcano as well as the picture of a cheeseburger.
  • Sometime after the original Guatemala incident, Heinrich became Stickybeard's cabin boy.
  • Stickybeard was once cabin boy under Black John, and everyone referred to him as Stickyfuzz, because at the time he didn't have a beard.
  • Numbuh 5 is the only member of Sector V present during this episode.
  • Notes in Stickybeard's journal mentions a run-in with the Great White Asparagus, and that it ate Stickybeard's whole crew, except for Heinrich. The Great White Asparagus was last seen in Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T..
  • Unused storyboards from Stickybeard's journal mention locations such as the "Great Lemonade Whirpool" and "Fizzy Island", as well as other crew members: "Tom-Tom Warburtin" (named after Tom Warburton), "Marsmallow Moore" (named after Guy Moore), "Sweet Ally Wilgus" (named after Benjamin Alison Wilgus), "Two Tooth Slim" and "Hans Sticky-Fingers".
  • Storyboards from the episode can be found on Guy Moore's website.
  • During the scene where the pirates agree to whatever anyone says & when Heinrich says "I say we send him Home" it's based after the bar scene from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure where the bikers agree to whatever one says and Pee-Wee says "I say we let him go".
  • This episode along with Operation: H.O.M.E. both aired the day before the KND movie Operation: Z.E.R.O. on August 11, 2006.

German-English Translations[]

  • Was (pronounced "vas")- What
  • Mein - My
  • Und - And
  • Ein - A



Codename: Kids Next Door Episodes
Season One Episodes

1. Operation: C.A.K.E.D./Diseasy Does It/No P in the Ool
2. Operation: I.-S.C.R.E.A.M./Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.
3. Operation: N.O.-P.O.W.U.H./Operation: T.E.E.T.H.
4. Operation: P.I.R.A.T.E./Operation: C.O.W.G.I.R.L.
5. Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P./Operation: M.I.N.I.-G.O.L.F.
6. Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E./Operation: A.R.C.T.I.C.

7. Operation: L.I.C.E./Operation: L.I.Z.Z.I.E.
8. Operation: T.H.E.-F.L.Y./Operation: P.O.I.N.T.
9. Operation: C.A.B.L.E.-T.V./Operation: C.A.M.P.
10. Operation: T.O.M.M.Y./Operation: C.H.A.D.
11. Operation: P.I.A.N.O./Operation: Z.O.O.
12. Operation: Q.U.I.E.T./Operation: R.A.I.N.B.O.W.S.
13. Operation: G.R.O.W.-U.P.

Kids next door s1

Season Two Episodes

1. Operation: C.A.T.S./Operation: P.O.P.
2. Operation: S.P.A.N.K./Operation: D.A.T.E.
3. Operation: S.U.P.P.O.R.T./Operation: T.A.P.I.O.C.A.
4. Operation: M.O.V.I.E./Operation: F.A.S.T.-F.O.O.D.
5. Operation: S.H.A.V.E./Operation: O.O.M.P.P.A.H.
6. Operation: F.L.A.V.O.R./Operation: K.I.S.S.

7. Operation: G.H.O.S.T./Operation: F.U.G.I.T.I.V.E.
8. Operation: T.H.E.-S.H.O.G.U.N./Operation: C.O.L.L.E.G.E.
9. Operation: R.E.P.O.R.T./Operation: B.R.I.E.F.
10. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.W.O./Operation: S.P.A.C.E.
11. Operation: B.E.A.C.H./Operation: U.N.D.E.R.C.O.V.E.R.
12. Operation: D.O.G.F.I.G.H.T./Operation: T.R.I.P.
13. Operation: E.N.D.

Kids next door s2

Season Three Episodes

1. Operation: F.U.T.U.R.E.
2. Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T./Operation: L.E.A.D.E.R.
3. Operation: U.T.O.P.I.A./Operation: R.O.B.B.E.R.S.
4. Operation: F.O.U.N.T.A.I.N.
5. Operation: B.U.T.T./Operation: T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G.
6. Operation: A.R.C.H.I.V.E./Operation: S.L.U.M.B.E.R.

7. Operation: P.I.N.K.E.Y.E./Operation: K.A.S.T.L.E.
8. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-T.H.R.E.E./Operation: L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N.
9. Operation: H.U.G.S./Operation: J.E.W.E.L.S.
10. Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S.
11. Operation: T.R.I.C.K.Y./Operation: U.N.C.O.O.L.
12. Operation: P.R.E.S.I.D.E.N.T./Operation: H.O.S.P.I.T.A.L.
13. Operation: S.P.R.O.U.T./Operation: H.O.U.N.D.

Kids next door s3

Season Four Episodes

1. Operation: R.A.B.B.I.T./Operation: F.L.U.S.H.
2. Operation: F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E./Operation: C.L.U.E.S.
3. Operation: N.U.G.G.E.T./Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I.
4. Operation: P.O.O.L.
5. Operation: C.A.K.E.D.-F.O.U.R.
6. Operation: S.I.T.T.E.R./Operation: S.A.T.U.R.N.

7. Operation: C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E./Operation: M.A.T.A.D.O.R.
8. Operation: L.U.N.C.H./Operation: M.U.N.C.H.I.E.S.
9. Operation: K.N.O.T./Operation: C.L.O.S.E.T.
10. Operation: S.N.O.W.I.N.G.
11. Operation: M.A.U.R.I.C.E.
12. Operation: L.O.V.E./Operation: C.O.U.C.H.
13. Operation: D.O.D.G.E.B.A.L.L./Operation: F.E.R.A.L.

Kids next door s4

Season Five Episodes

1. Operation: N.A.U.G.H.T.Y.
2. Operation: E.L.E.C.T.I.O.N.S.
3. Operation: D.U.C.K.Y./Operation: D.I.A.P.E.R.
4. Operation: B.U.L.L.I.E.S./Operation: F.I.S.H.Y.
5. Operation: B.R.E.A.K.U.P./Operation: S.A.F.A.R.I.
6. Operation: V.I.R.U.S./Operation: O.U.T.B.R.E.A.K.

7. Operation: C.A.N.Y.O.N./Operation: H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.
8. Operation: C.A.K.E.D. F.I.V.E.
9. Operation: R.E.C.R.U.I.T./Operation: D.A.D.D.Y.
10. Operation: C.L.O.W.N./Operation: S.P.A.N.K.E.N.S.T.I.N.E.
11. Operation: H.O.T.S.T.U.F.F./Operation: M.I.S.S.I.O.N.
12. Operation: L.I.C.O.R.I.C.E./Operation: H.O.M.E.
13. Operation: I.T.

Kids next door s5

Season Six Episodes

1. Operation: S.A.F.E.T.Y.
2. Operation: E.N.G.L.A.N.D./Operation: A.W.A.R.D.S.
3. Operation: R.E.C.E.S.S./Operation: H.A.M.S.T.E.R.
4. Operation: W.H.I.T.E.H.O.U.S.E.
5. Operation: S.P.I.N.A.C.H./Operation: M.E.S.S.A.G.E.
6. Operation: B.R.I.D.G.E./Operation: S.I.X.
7. Operation: T.R.I.C.Y.C.L.E.

8. Operation: C.R.I.M.E./Operation: P.A.R.T.Y.
9. Operation: D.O.G.H.O.U.S.E./Operation: P.L.A.N.E.T.
10. Operation: S.C.I.E.N.C.E./Operation: A.M.I.S.H.
11. Operation: G.I.R.L.F.R.I.E.N.D.
12. Operation: C.A.R.A.M.E.L./Operation: M.O.O.N.
13. Operation: T.R.E.A.T.Y.

Kids next door s6

Movies and Specials

1. Operation: Z.E.R.O.
2. The Grim Adventures of the KND

3. Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.
4. The Lost Cases of the Tree House

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Season 5Season 6Movies and Specials