- "I don't what what's worse; being bound and gagged by that stupid teenager, Cree, or you idiots."
– Numbuh 92 to Sector V
Numbuh 92 is a KND prisoner pilot partnered with Numbuh 93.
He was first seen in Operation: K.I.S.S., apprehending Cree with Numbuh 93 to transport her with the Prisoner Transport Ship to Moonbase Prison.
In Operation: S.P.A.C.E., it is revealed that while taking Cree to the Moonbase, Numbuhs 92 and 93 got into a fight about trading cards and accidentally hit the "blow up the engines" button, destroying the ship.
When Sector V discover the ruined ship during a resupply mission, they encounter the duo on board and mistook them for aliens. After their identities are revealed, they are so irritated at Sector V attacking them that they threaten to have them reported and decommissioned, which prompts Numbuhs 1, 2, and 4 to attack them again.
He (as well as various other Infantry Guards) is part of the attack against Father in Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. and fights the Knightamatons. He starts running from the Animalization Ray once Numbuh 86 turns into a dog, but is unable to escape and turns into a polar bear. (Another Infantry Guard escapes to Moonbase and eventually turns into a raccoon. Both of them are likely supposed to represent different Infantry Guards and not necessarily Numbuh 92. Nevertheless, both of them are reverted back to normal after Tommy defeats Father.)
Later, in Operation: M.E.A.T.B.A.L.L., he is stationed on Moonbase surveillance with Numbuh 42, who is playing Yipper Wrestling Club and losing to Numbuh 63. He is the one to discover Gramma Stuffum's meatball meteor coming towards Moonbase, and is later irritated at Sector V for crashing and landing on top of them.
Numbuh 92 is a Moonbase operative who stands no nonsense from other operatives. He presumably outranks most other field operatives. While he is civil with Sector V, congratulating them on capturing Cree Lincoln, he has no qualms with reporting them to KND Global Command when they let an outsider get involved with KND related affairs.
In contrast to his stern demeanor, he seems to be a fan of Yipper. He can be seen playing Yipper Wrestling Club with Numbuh 42 and even gets into an argument about it with Numbuh 93.
- A production quirk in Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. has Numbuh 92 being duplicated in the crowd of operatives.
- On field, he's first turned into a polar bear by the Animalization Ray, and then is shown unaffected by the ray on Moonbase minutes later. Afterwards, he is turned into a raccoon. (Since the Numbuh 92 clones are supposed to represent generic infantry guards, it's likely that they aren't necessarily meant to represent Numbuh 92 in particular.)
- Numbuh 92 and 93's uniforms parallel Numbuh 58 and 59's uniforms, with one having a blue uniform, and the other having a green one.
- His uniform also shares the same blue colors as the F.S.A. Agents.
- Numbuh 92 is noticeably shorter than his partner, having a more squished, oval shaped head while 93 has a rounder head.