KND Code Module
KND Code Module

"Hippy Sombrero Pizza Delivery, may I take your order, eh, amigo?"

– Numbuh 14 pretending to be a pizza delivery

Mary-Lou Sarah-Jane Jones a.k.a. Numbuh 14 is the leader of Sector N and in charge of damage control of Numbuh 13.


She was first seen in Operation: M.A.C.A.R.R.O.N.I., alongside her teammates, when Sector V informed them that they have rescued Numbuh 13 and are returning him. To avoid being given the extremely unlucky and troublesome boy, Sector N pretended their treehouse was under attack and then disguised themselves as Mexican fast food workers to stall Sector V's request.

Numbuh 14 has also been seen in crowds in Operation: H.O.L.I.D.A.Y. and Operation: I.T..

She also appeared in The Grim Adventures of the KND, alongside Numbuh 60, Numbuh 74.239, Numbuh 362, and Numbuh 20,000.

She appeared at the very end of Operation: Z.E.R.O., alongside all the KND operatives. She is voiced by Jennifer Hale.

She indirectly appeared in Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S. participating in the Scavenger Hunt with her sector; Sector N was on the scoreboard with over 25,000 points.


Mary-Lou has puffy, frizzy blonde hair in two pigtails, tied with dark-blue bands, light-blue eyes, and 3 freckles beside each eye. She wears a light-blue hoodie with a white stripe going down the middle, white shorts with blue lines around the ends, and huge blue sneakers with white on the sides and bottom. She has tiny white earrings on her ears.


Mary-Lou talks with a Western accent, and presents herself as fairly friendly and inviting. But like the rest of her sector, she is afraid of Numbuh 13, and will do whatever they can to keep him away from their treehouse if he goes missing. She is also shown as being annoyed with having to deal with him in Sooper Secrets and Boomerang Bloopers.


Numbered Kids Next Door Operatives
Numbuhs Note11-21-2-31-Love22x433-2-14560088 (8A & 8B)8 by 1091010-Speed1111-Teen12131415161617181919th Century2020/20222324262830C31343536 (36A & 36B)3740 to Life41424344 (44A & 44B)4546474848 Flavors49Temporary 495859606365.366676869707171.5627374.239767880838485868788929399100101105128142143144149161168173191202206222222.2227.2252256274275300cc31134235736236337040640740840941041141141342042142244051251351551651851955561966668670071074778688890091199910861313221224001229220000256k12074165 Million B.C.867530950 Million B.C.$1.50 an HourBajillion and OneBetween 1 and 20Change for a 20D20Eleventy BillionEzekielF-14Half Past 12Hang 10InfinityJebediahOuchRebeccaSkatey 8TTen to MidnightVO5Numbuhless
Alternate Future Numbuhs 13501600340050006655
Operatives with unknown Numbuhs
Arctic Base OperativesCadets Next Door OperativesCaped OperativesDebbieDecom AgentsDecommissioning Guard with Blonde HairDecommissioning Guard with Brown HairF.S.A. AgentsHigh Command OperativesHoovesKND Doctor with Black HairKND Doctor with Blond HairKND Doctor with Brown HairKND Hair SurgeonKND Nurse with Blond HairKND Nurse with Brown HairKND Scientist with Yu-Gi-Oh HairKND ScientistsOperative AOperative BOperative COperative DOren KaunferPauley MarcusPretzel OperativeSector E Operative in Police UniformSector E Operative in SuitSector F 2x4 Technology OfficersSector J Operative in Orange SwimsuitScotty Vincent