KND Code Module
KND Code Module

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DNK Treehouse
Location Type Negative universe
Location Alternate world
Used By DNK, Eizzil Enived, LTDFCD, and Daddy
Appearances Operation: P.O.O.L.

The Negative Universe, referred to as the Negaverse, is an alternate Universe to the Kids Next Door's world, It is also the main setting in Operation: P.O.O.L..

In this alternate Universe, Destructively Nefarious Kids (DNK), Little Traitor Dudes For Children's Defense (LTDFCD), and Daddy all inhabit in this world. In contrast to the KND universe, adults are lazy, naughty, rebellious, and mischievous while children perform hard labor. The DNK run this horrid way while the LTDFCD attempting to stop them. The entrance to the Negaverse is by opening a portal in a personal or a public pool by using the Negatronic equipment as mentioned by Numbuh 1 and Eizzil.

The Negaverse has its own version of the big treehouse, with the DNK Treehouse being built with steel and industrial parts. The world also apparently has some Broccoli Mines for people who are punished for any errors that are beyond redeemable. They were mentioned by Negative Numbuh 4, Negative Numbuh 3, and Negative Numbuh 86. In these mines, people have to dig out broccoli with their bare hands.

Now thanks to positive Sector V, the Negative Universe has become good and so has the DNK, the former leader of this universe is currently serving time in the broccoli mines for his crimes against this universe and the kids of the Negaverse won't have to work anymore.


  • It can be noted that because Negaverse is the opposite of the real world, DNK's tech is also opposite of KND's tech. That means while KND uses common everyday household objects for their tech, the DNK uses real materials like metals. As seen when Numbuh 1 met Negative Numbuh 86, her troops uses real tanks and weapons.
  • The Negaverse is noted for having dark skies to create the sinister look it represents. Once the DNK reformed, the sky began to clear up, indicating the brighter future for their world.
  • The name is also used as the DiC's English name for the Dark Kingdom in Sailor Moon
  • The Negaverse can also be the inspiration for the 2P Alternative Universe in Axis Powers: Hetalia.



DaddyDestructively Nefarious KidsEizzil EnivedLittle Traitor Dudes For Children's Defense


Broccoli MinesDNK TreehouseTrailer Park

Destructively Nefarious Kids
DNK logo
Supreme Leader

Negative Numbuh 4 (formerly)


Negative Numbuh 1Negative Numbuh 2Negative Numbuh 3Negative Numbuh 5Negative Numbuh 86DNK Guards

DNK Technology

S.P.L.A.T.T.L.E. • Other weapons
