KND Code Module

"Stop! Do not do this, Sits in Corner!"

– Gets Pigtails Pulled

Gets Pigtails Pulled is a Kindergartener in the Crayoned Tribe of Gallagher Elementary School.


Gets Pigtails Pulled is a kindergartener tribeswoman known to be more fair towards older kids who have not done anything negative towards kindergarteners. She stopped Sits in Corner from continuing the "duck duck goose" game to drop Numbuh 2 into a pit of paste. Her name suggests that she often gets her hair pulled by other students at Gallagher Elementary.


When Numbuh 2 was captured by Sits in Corner and strapped to a chair, held up over a pit of paste by ropes, and Sits in Corner played a game of "duck duck goose" to cut the ropes, Gets Pigtails Pulled came running to stop the game form continuing. She believed Numbuh 2 to be innocent because he had not done anything to the kindergarteners outside of crossing the gymnasium. Chief Colors with Broken Crayons arrived shortly after, whom she pleaded Numbuh 2's innocence to. The Chief spoke with Numbuh 2, who told him why he crossed the gymnasium and that James Nixon McGarfield was replaced by Eggbert Eggleston as fourth grade president. The Chief knew Eggbert through their parents and ordered the fourth grader's release. She was later present at the signing of the peace treaty between the fourth grade and the kindergarteners, signed by Chief Colors and President Eggbert. After the two leader blew bubbles from pipes, she offered the president cookies and, partook in the dance and feast (Operation: M.E.S.S.A.G.E.).


  • Her name is a parody of the descriptive names used by native Americans.