KND Code Module

"When the Sacred Sect of Dessert Monks created this mystical fourth flavor, they were afraid that everyone would like it so much that they would eat it all up until there wouldn't be any left for them. So they locked it away."

– Numbuh 5 telling the old story

The Sacred Sect of Dessert Monks was a religious group of candy worshiping monks who created The Fourth Flavor.


The Dessert Monks existed a long time ago, far up in the high mountains. Worshiping the great desserts, the monks went on to create the mystical fourth ice cream flavor. But they soon grew afraid that everyone would like it so much that they would eat it all up and there wouldn't be any left for them. So they locked the flavor away in the Lost Temple of the 4th Flavor, so only the true ice cream lover could have a taste of it. They also created the "Riddle of the Mystical Golden Scoop", which needed to be solved in order to get to the hidden flavor (Operation: F.L.A.V.O.R.).

See also[]
