KND Code Module

Carlos is a boy who was wrongly spanked by Count Spankulot.


While Count Spankulot was out punishing children who have misbehaved, he was stopping in to spank "Stanley". While punishing "Stanley", the boy's parents walked in and asked angrily what the count was doing to their Carlos. This mixup got the count put before Judge Heerkumsduh, who sentenced him to time in prison (Operation: S.P.A.N.K.). Count Spankulot later learned that Sector V had tricked him into spanking Carlos, just as they had just tricked him into spanking Judge Heerkumsduh and his wife when Kuki, apparently forgetting about Sector V’s plot, spilled the beans about it in the courtroom and, in a fit of rage, spanked them for causing him all the trouble.


  • Carlos sometimes appears in the background in episodes.